Child Support


Child Support

Make Sure Your Child Support Is Appropriate

Obtaining a fair, accurately calculated child support order may be critical for your own financial stability as well as your children's well-being. If you believe the child support you pay or receive should be adjusted because circumstances have changed, prompt action is essential. If you have received a Complaint for Dissolution of Marriage, and you have childern, please recognize how important it is to consult a lawyer before you respond. 

Child support is a crucial component of any divorce agreement.

Initial Child Support Determinations Are Pivotal.
Relying only on on advice from friends or family members is risky. While it is true that child support is guideline-based and a "formula" exists, every situation is unique in some respects. Key considerations for you in a divorce or paternity matter may include:

Making certain that all information used to calculate child support, such as both parties' incomes and the number of overnights each child will spend with each parent, is accurate

Recognizing that once a child support order is issued in Florida, payments are required and enforceable by law, with no ability on either parent's part to "contract" out of the obligation
 Do You Need A Child Support Modification?
Modifications are often attainable when significant changes in circumstances occur, from a parent's job loss to a notable pay increase or a major change in a child's needs. Prompt action is very important if you think you may qualify, because retroactive changes or relief from this obligation are not part of the equation.

Our firm can help you protect your rights. We can assess whether you qualify for a child support modification. Please contact us today.
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