Personal Injury


Personal Injury

Medical Malpractice
Health care is a vital part of your life. At some point all of us have or will seek care and treatment from a health care professional. When you put your life or the life of your loved one into the hands of a medical provider and that medical provider fails to use the level of care that the medical community recognizes as acceptable and appropriate, you or your loved one who has been injured by that conduct has the right to justice. Often this carelessness results from a failure to follow a hospital policy or the failure to follow the standard practice in the medical field. Careless and negligent medical providers are held accountable for their actions. 
Personal Injury
The time for filing a claim to recover damages for a personal injury can be limited. Regardless of your situation or your age, a personal injury lawyer can help you investigate the basis of your claim and ensure that your claim is filed in a timely manner, enabling you to eventually recover any and all damages that you have suffered as a result of the wrongful acts of another.

 As a victim of someone else’s negligence, we understand that any type of accident can result in life-changing injuries, damages, or losses. In some instances, victims will suffer debilitating injuries that will affect their long-term health and well-being. Other accidents could cause catastrophic damages and total property losses. In some of the most heartbreaking situations, families could unexpectedly lose their loved ones in an accident that led to a wrongful death. At Carmenates Law Firm, P.A. we are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation available.
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